An unfinished basement can work great for extra storage, but did you ever think of the potential that a cold concrete room in your house can provide? Not only we know it, but have the tools and knowledge to turn a plain and dull space into a magnificent new hang-out or living space. Free In-Home Estimates!
Before you start with your basement remodeling you may want to fix any plumbing or electrical issues, the process might be a bit too exhausting at a first glance but this is essential to guarantee the results as a wet basement can definitely spoil your renovation project in a heartbeat. It is very important to repair any damp or wet basement and any other wire issues to prevent any future hazard and growing of mold and mildew that will save you a lot of money in additional work repair.
Our skilled specialists might recommend you to waterproof your concrete walls with a coat of paint for extra protection and will give you a comprehensive diagnostic that is going to be the guideline to determine the cost of your new basement, this varies based on your budget, style and needs. We will advise you of the right paint, the perfect floor and techniques to enhance and give a modern look to your home.